
Primary Care Progress Interview

Thanks again to Primary Care Progress for the opportunity to be on their webinar last week talking about Health Care Social Media (#HCSM). You can watch the webinar above, and there is also just the audio portion of the webinar in the player above and below. I have also made available the audio portion for download and you can download the audio file here

To make it easier for you to navigate this hour long session, I have the following show notes below with time stamps (FYI, the time stamps are for the audio file only and NOT for the youtube video above).

I'm glad there were so many audience questions during this session, hopefully questions that you have as well. So, feel free to click forward and click back on the timeline to the questions that you find most interesting. Enjoy!

First Days of Blogging and the Beginning of Social Media Career (4:50) 

  • Why did you decide to dive right into social media in 2006?
  • How did you find an audience? 
  • How did you know you were becoming a success in social media? 

Change from Doctor Anonymous to Family Medicine Rocks (9:40) 

  • Why did you decide to reveal more of your personality and no longer be anonymous?
  • Did you find your audience changing when you changed to Family Medicine Rocks?

My Take On Current Social Media Landscape (12:15)

  • What's most exciting about social media these days?
  • Why do you invest so much time in social media? 
  • What do you tell newcomers (especially medical students and trainees) about social media on how to get started?

Social Media Break and Return (16:50) 

  • What actually discouraged you from continuing in social media?
  • Has social media changed since you started? 
  • What are the lessons you learned when you were off? 
  • How does someone achieve transparency and authenticity in social media? 
  • Why do you think medical students and other trainees should formally learn social media during their training? 
  • Why can't physicians and clinicians ignore social media? 

Questions From The Audience

  • 29:00 - What advice do you have for separate personal and professional social media accounts?
  • 31:05 - What social media resources do you recommend for patient education? 
  • 33:05 - Who are your "go to" people in health care social media? 
  • 35:42 - What is your favorite social media platform to experience audience connection? 
  • 37:25 - What is your reaction to Jenny McCarthy being named as new co-host on The View? 
  • 42:06 - What are your most effective methods to make sure you get your message out there (especially for those new to social media)?
  • 44:44 - Is there any money to be made in social media? 
  • 46:32 - Do you encourage your clinic to use social media? 
  • 47:34 - I avidly blog and tweet, should I add a facebook presence? 
  • 50:13 - What are the most common reasons why clinicians say they do not use social media? 
  • 53:00 - How can you change the negative view of social media that deans and other medical school faculty have? 
  • 56:46 - Where is the innovation in health care social media?