
2012: Time To Expand Your Brand

As the new year begins, I'm like other people and thinking about some new and different things to do - especially in the area of social media. I've been through a lot, including "rebranding" from Doctor Anonymous to me. How will 2012 be different than last year?

Something interesting I'm seeing are platforms like tumblr and posterous, which are kind of mini-blog sites. Also, in the past couple of years, I've seen people particpate on their blog sites in posting a picture everyday of the year. These have always been intriguing ideas to me, but I felt, for me, that I would be spreading myself thin with more and more social media platforms.

For 2012, I think an idea everyone should consider is to expand their own brand. Don't rest on your laurels and try to milk your own supposed social media success. Try something different, would ya? As I've written in the past, I'm not afraid to fail - Hehe. (in the video above, you'll see a rare video recorded during my Doctor Anonymous days)

I've added a couple of sections to this website - namely a photo only blog and a mini blog. The idea of the mini blog is to write on other topics than medicine and social media that I talk about here. Also, the mini blog are writings somewhere between 141 characters (twitter) and the full length blog post that you'll find here.

Why not challenge yourself at the beginning of the year? How can you expand your brand? Why not take a risk and do something different in the social media world? It could be a learning experience. You could have some fun. And, who knows, you may add more value to your social media brand....