
Listen Live Today!

Listen Live

Doctor Anonymous Live! August 30th (today!) from 4:00-4:30pm eastern time

I've been working through the technical glitches this week. Who knew there would be so many steps where something could go wrong in connecting my computer to the main site? But, I think that I have everything worked out....

You can also participate in the show! That's one of the fun things about this. I'm going to be logged into google talk before the show. So, if you'd like to say hi and see me freaking out before the show, you can find me there. You can also send me an e-mail or leave a comment here. Finally, the fun part is that you can call into the show. Just click here for the number.

Can't listen live? Well, that's ok. One of the cool things about BlogTalkRadio is that they record their shows so that you can listen to them later. Starting at about 5pm eastern time, you can click here and listen to the recorded show.

I have to give a little shout out to A Mom Who Thinks Too Much who called me the social butterfly of the blogosphere. That's too funny. Thanks so much for the plug and for the link.

It's just a few hours away now. I hope that you'll be able to join me - either live or listening on the archives. What am I going to talk about? Who knows? You'll have to tune in to find out. I'm just a blogaholic, you know....

Update: Thanks so much to Chrysalis Angel and Cathy for the promo posts on their blogs!

Update 2: Thanks to Awesome Mom for the IM conversation and to Mother Jones RN for calling in and talking with me live on the air. That was fun!