
Independence Day Podcast

Opening Music: In honor of the closing of this club in New York City.

In The News:
Courtesy of Cathy's Place: The banning of smokers by the Cleveland Clinic

From Fat Doctor: AMA News article, "Blog At Your Own Risk."
(I'm mentioned in this AMA article - Yeesh!)

Around the Blogosphere:

The #1 Dinosaur talks about Ratings, Rankings, and Grades (oh my)

Next, just some really random thoughts on the first days of residency.

Closing Music: In my opinion, the most patriotic song I've ever experienced.
(I'd give it away with a link, but, this time you have to listen to the podcast. HA!)

I've been messing a little bit with my Garageband software. I think the sound quality is a little better. Enjoy Podcast #7! Download in mpeg-4 (11mb) or mp3 (32mb) format.